Our department is composed of three divisions; (1) Electric Systems Engineering, (2)Communication and Control Engineering, and (3) Electronic Materials and Device Engineering. These divisions offer systematic education and creative research on electrical and electronic engineering, for example, in the area of generation and control of the electric energy, communication and control engineering, development of new electronic materials and devices, communication and broadcasting, assistive robotics for aging society, nano and bioelectronics and computer simulation. Our mission is to educate talented researchers and engineers who have fundamental knowledge and skills related to electrical and electronic engineering and can provide leadership and service to advanced information society in the future.
Fields of Learning
- Generation and conversion of electric energy
- Instant and accurate communication technologies
- Precise measurement and controlled technologies
- Analysis of the semiconductor properties and development of new functional devices
Research Laboratories
Electric Systems Engineering
Electric Power System Engineering

- High voltage pulsed power technology
- High power pulsed particle beam and Dense plasma
- Observation of lightning and Related phenomena
Intelligent Power System Engineering

- Renewable energy
- Stable operation of power system
- Power flow calculation
Energy Conversion Engineering

- Applied electromagnetic machinery, Magnetic levitation
- Power electronics, Renewable energy utilization
- Wireless power transfer, Induction heating
Intelligent Robotics Engineering

- Intelligent information robotics
- Biomedical robotics
- Motion control of mobile robot
Communication and Control Engineering
Wave Communication Engineering

- Ultra-realistic sound communication
- Plasmonic electromagnetic wave engineering
Communication System Engineering

- Mobile communication system
- Body area network
- Millimeter-wave and terahertz engineering
Electronic Material and Device Engineering
Nanoelectronics Engineering

- Ultrahigh frequency devices and Integrated circuits
- Growth of semiconductor nanostructures
Basic Materials Engineering

- H2 and NO2 gas sensor
- Thin film electronic materials
- Ferroelectric crystals
(P)Professor / (Ao)Associate Professor / (L)Lecturer / (At)Assistant Professor / (R)Research Assistant / (VP)Visiting Professor / (VAt)Visiting Assistant Professor