Chemistry covers fundamental aspects of modern science and plays an important role in the all fields related to engineering and material science. Department of Environmental Applied Chemistry provides outstanding resources for research, an innovative education, and career development for building our sustainable society. Faculty members will enable students to achieve their educational and professional objectives. Our department includes the highly interdisciplinary nature of chemistry and modern scientific research. This is the basis for providing classes stimulating to students in a myriad of disciplines.
Environmental Applied Chemistry
Fields of Learning
- Foundations of chemistry, physics, and mathematics
- Specialized chemistry; organic / inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, and catalyst chemistry
- Skills and safety management of chemical experiment
- Research performance capability and presentation skills as a chemist
Research Laboratories
Catalysis, Energy and Material Engineering

- Environmental protection and new energy
- Novel catayst
- Supercritical fluid, Plasma, High-pressure reaction
Environmental and Functional Molecular Chemistry

- Synthesis of functional material
- Separation of element
- Material surface modification
Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry

- Functionalized metal complexes
- Organic-inorganic hybrid molecular solids
Computational Physical Chemistry

- Structure and vibrational spectroscopy at liquid interface
- Mass and energy transfer at vapor / liquid interface
- Molecular simulation
Biomolecular Chemistry

- Protein engineering
- Biophysics
- Protein folding diseases
Environmental Analytical Chemistry

- Optical sensor
- Design and synthesis of receptors / functional dyes
- Continuous monitoring of blood glucose and steroid hormone
Colloid and Interface Chemistry

- Characterization of interface
- Investigation of dispersed state
- Design of meso-scale materials
Synthetic Organic Chemistry

- Organometallic chemistry
- Natural product synthesis
- Synthetic and medicinal chemistry
Environmental Chemical Engineering

- Green chemical process
- Porous adsorption and absorption materials
- Sustainable energy
Biomaterial Design and Engneering

- Biomaterials, Regenerative medicine
- Biopolymers
- Protein and peptide engineering
(P)Professor / (Ao)Associate Professor / (L)Lecturer / (At)Assistant Professor / (R)Research Assistant / (VP)Visiting Professor / (VAt)Visiting Assistant Professor